O Lord!
Words are wonders when they praise You,
Tunes are tempting when they sing You,
Thoughts are beautiful when they talk of You,
My mind is maddened-thinking of You!
The bamboo was just mere wood,
Before You blowing a sweet tune invitingly stood;
The peacock feather might have been just another-
Had it not been shed lovingly for its Master!
The rock was too ordinary,
Since Your feet it touched, it's now exemplary;
The plate of food might not have been so divinely sumptous,
Had You not tasted it and found it delecious!
O Lord! Cast upon this slave one glance,
She will the glory of Your presence perchance!
Grant me but one loving smile;
And, once again, my lovelorn senses deride!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
A Bridge
Miles away from You i stand,
O Lord! With whom is the world's command;
O Parthasarathy! Pride and ignorance in my way stand-
My love awaits Your errand!
These miles that keep me away,
Won't You Keshava brush away with Your sway?
The distance that this little heart laments,
Would You not erase by pouring Your love in torrents?
Let this slave build a bridge to You,
Just as the monkeys once did for You,
And just as each stone bore Your name,
Let my mouth forever sing Your fame!
O Lord! With whom is the world's command;
O Parthasarathy! Pride and ignorance in my way stand-
My love awaits Your errand!
These miles that keep me away,
Won't You Keshava brush away with Your sway?
The distance that this little heart laments,
Would You not erase by pouring Your love in torrents?
Let this slave build a bridge to You,
Just as the monkeys once did for You,
And just as each stone bore Your name,
Let my mouth forever sing Your fame!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wound in Love
My voice calls out to You on this side of the sea,
And, the clock seems to flee;
O Killer of Puthana! Do save me!
Thrust me not into darkness eerie.
To see You smile,
And a thousand suns lit up find;
To see You stand so majestic,
And find myself at Your feet like a stick!
To serve You everyday,
Better than yesterday.
To love You, come what may-
To be surrendered, and second thoughts nay.
To drink off the nectar of Your feet,
To taste the nectar of Your lips,
To be lost in the magic of Your touch,
To find this heart for You vouched!
To be forever humble, and in that never stumble,
To be forever at Your call, and may that goodness never stall;
To house You in this little heart, though it is worthy not;
To see in my eyes Thy form so nice!
Slave i am, begging Your grace,
Lost in the beauty of Your dark face;
O Lord! As Your mother had You by love bound;
Would You not me in Your love wound?
(Dedicated to my dear Parthasarathy)
And, the clock seems to flee;
O Killer of Puthana! Do save me!
Thrust me not into darkness eerie.
To see You smile,
And a thousand suns lit up find;
To see You stand so majestic,
And find myself at Your feet like a stick!
To serve You everyday,
Better than yesterday.
To love You, come what may-
To be surrendered, and second thoughts nay.
To drink off the nectar of Your feet,
To taste the nectar of Your lips,
To be lost in the magic of Your touch,
To find this heart for You vouched!
To be forever humble, and in that never stumble,
To be forever at Your call, and may that goodness never stall;
To house You in this little heart, though it is worthy not;
To see in my eyes Thy form so nice!
Slave i am, begging Your grace,
Lost in the beauty of Your dark face;
O Lord! As Your mother had You by love bound;
Would You not me in Your love wound?
(Dedicated to my dear Parthasarathy)
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Of What Use?
Caught in the web called Life,
Embroiled in the daily strife,
Have i forgotten You, O Beloved!
Oh No! Your causeless mercy on me bestow!
My hands in front of You are folded,
But they are by habit moulded.
My eyes in Your direction stare unswaveringly,
But they are incapable of appreciationg Your beauty unfortunately.
My mouth bears only Thy name,
But, the words are empty all the same;
My feet run to Your temple,
But oh! my heart cannot behold the spectacle!
Of what use are my hands that can't serve You?
Of what use are my eyes that don't cry for You?
Of what use are my words if they don't reach You?
Of what use is my existence if not for You?
Why is this heart so bound,
Wherefrom is this slag newfound?
Have i been too proud, dear Lord?
Or my laziness failed to strike a chord?
Of this mind, You are the Monarch,
Wherever You wish, you have it park'd;
i am maddened by Your silence stark-
O Dearest Lord! Lighten my thoughts dark!
With Your Panchajanya conch,
Send my misgiving away by furlongs;
O Slayer of Demons! Slay this surrendered slave's insincerity,
O Love of My Life! Into Your helm, grant me a re-entry!
Embroiled in the daily strife,
Have i forgotten You, O Beloved!
Oh No! Your causeless mercy on me bestow!
My hands in front of You are folded,
But they are by habit moulded.
My eyes in Your direction stare unswaveringly,
But they are incapable of appreciationg Your beauty unfortunately.
My mouth bears only Thy name,
But, the words are empty all the same;
My feet run to Your temple,
But oh! my heart cannot behold the spectacle!
Of what use are my hands that can't serve You?
Of what use are my eyes that don't cry for You?
Of what use are my words if they don't reach You?
Of what use is my existence if not for You?
Why is this heart so bound,
Wherefrom is this slag newfound?
Have i been too proud, dear Lord?
Or my laziness failed to strike a chord?
Of this mind, You are the Monarch,
Wherever You wish, you have it park'd;
i am maddened by Your silence stark-
O Dearest Lord! Lighten my thoughts dark!
With Your Panchajanya conch,
Send my misgiving away by furlongs;
O Slayer of Demons! Slay this surrendered slave's insincerity,
O Love of My Life! Into Your helm, grant me a re-entry!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Dearest ParthaSarathy
Dear Lord,
Hear a little plea,
From this heart now at Sea!
Grant me but one sight-
Therein i'll find my respite!
Thoughts of the finery You wear
Wear me down!
Thoughts of Your charming air
now, in the deepest chambers of my heart, resound.
Thinking about Your lightning glance
You leave me in the middle of a trance;
Thinking about that sweet killer smile
This moment, i rue my exile!
The waves of my mind are splashing viguourously,
Searching, yearning, calling out, incessantly-
Grant them the shore of Your caress,
Then, they will, in shyness, redress.
Perhaps it is because i wronged
That now i have Your grace forgone;
Perhaps, so weak has been my song
That now their notes are forlorn.
Your beautiful feet are the world's shelter,
Your very thought makes evil run helter-skelter;
i am surrendered unto You, evil-abolisher,
i am in love with You, mountain-lifter!
By the disastrous wind of seperation,
This poor girl not in Your celebration!
O Dearest Lord! Forever keep me at Your beautiful feet,
Only their succour in life i seek!
Hear a little plea,
From this heart now at Sea!
Grant me but one sight-
Therein i'll find my respite!
Thoughts of the finery You wear
Wear me down!
Thoughts of Your charming air
now, in the deepest chambers of my heart, resound.
Thinking about Your lightning glance
You leave me in the middle of a trance;
Thinking about that sweet killer smile
This moment, i rue my exile!
The waves of my mind are splashing viguourously,
Searching, yearning, calling out, incessantly-
Grant them the shore of Your caress,
Then, they will, in shyness, redress.
Perhaps it is because i wronged
That now i have Your grace forgone;
Perhaps, so weak has been my song
That now their notes are forlorn.
Your beautiful feet are the world's shelter,
Your very thought makes evil run helter-skelter;
i am surrendered unto You, evil-abolisher,
i am in love with You, mountain-lifter!
By the disastrous wind of seperation,
This poor girl not in Your celebration!
O Dearest Lord! Forever keep me at Your beautiful feet,
Only their succour in life i seek!
Friday, December 17, 2010
My Lord!
my heart hums Your name,
You drive my brain whirry with the same;
Furlongs seperate this girl from You,
Furlongs that have gotten a meaning anew!
Lying on the snake-bed,
With the world in Your stead,
Reclining, waiting, watching,
You are maddening me with Your grace inviting!
At Your feet, born a slave,
At Your feet, complete a surrender so naive;
Awaiting, for ever, one little glimpse,
The day i was born- ever since!
O Lord! You tear apart all definitions,
But, You have now defined my tears in high definition!
O Lord! You are of powers limitless,
Yet, why my request You have not addressed?
O Lord! The mind a sorry path does transverse,
As from You, kept away, again by my situation adverse.
Yearning now for a dollop of grace,
For a little smile's sake!
my heart hums Your name,
You drive my brain whirry with the same;
Furlongs seperate this girl from You,
Furlongs that have gotten a meaning anew!
Lying on the snake-bed,
With the world in Your stead,
Reclining, waiting, watching,
You are maddening me with Your grace inviting!
At Your feet, born a slave,
At Your feet, complete a surrender so naive;
Awaiting, for ever, one little glimpse,
The day i was born- ever since!
O Lord! You tear apart all definitions,
But, You have now defined my tears in high definition!
O Lord! You are of powers limitless,
Yet, why my request You have not addressed?
O Lord! The mind a sorry path does transverse,
As from You, kept away, again by my situation adverse.
Yearning now for a dollop of grace,
For a little smile's sake!
Dear Ranganatha- A Drop of Dew
Each time i think of You:
Your lotus-like eyes and their peircing glance;
Your beautiful smile i was blessed enough to perchance;
Your folded arms- the crowning glory of Your stance;
And Your mocking expression that sends me into a trance!
Your demeanour-so calm, so composed-
Inviting, teaching, playing, maddening;
Your charm so compelling,
That has upon this mind a spell imposed.
Your form so majestic,
Your concern so caring,
Your love so sweet,
O! You are beyond-words magical!.
So, when i think of You,
In my mind arises a hope anew-
That one day, i might just as well see You,
Outside the blessed night-in-dreams hue.
When the surrendered heart calls out to You,
In the heart's realm at night You come running.
O Krishna! Thus hide- and- seek playing,
In my dreams, You begin ruling.
You quell the tears that pour,
With a gesture of such magnitude;
You put under Your spell this heart sour,
And, leave me wallowing in gratitude.
But, right now, rather than type here,
How i wish i was with You near!
You gave me birth at Your feet,
Give shelter now Lord for a mind in fleet!
O my Lord! Surrendered unto You,
i beg for Your grace anew!
May i not be at Your Lotus-Feet
A drop of dew?
ParthaSarathy- My Vaikuntha Ekadasi Wish
Forever at Your feet, Forever with You...
Forgive me my fallen faults,
Forever, keep me with You-
Kindly grant my heart's desire!!
Forgive me my fallen faults,
Forever, keep me with You-
Kindly grant my heart's desire!!
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
ParthaSarathy as Venugoplala
Parthasarathy, my Parthasarathy!!!
When the mind finds itself in distress wallowing,
You, and, You alone are the force guiding:
And, when You as Venugopala play the flute enchanting-
Our souls run to seek Your music endearing.
When the suun multiplies its radiance ten times,
One millionth of Your radiance, maybe i'll find.
Even if the moon were thousand times more serene,
How would it match the charm on Your face seen?
So, don't blame me, my Lord,
As my eyes yearn for the spectacle of spectacles,
My ears yearn for the pinnacle of pinnacles;
And my mind hopes it earns the miracle of miracles!
There, You are, in my Vrindavan,
Playing the flute, enriching my Man-Van;
But alas! here i am stranded
As though an alien abandoned!
Fie not the mind that runs to You,
Vie not my misfortune that i cannot see You,
Buy not i will words that confer patience-
Sigh not i will tilll tor each You, i finish my work with diligence!
When the mind finds itself in distress wallowing,
You, and, You alone are the force guiding:
And, when You as Venugopala play the flute enchanting-
Our souls run to seek Your music endearing.
When the suun multiplies its radiance ten times,
One millionth of Your radiance, maybe i'll find.
Even if the moon were thousand times more serene,
How would it match the charm on Your face seen?
So, don't blame me, my Lord,
As my eyes yearn for the spectacle of spectacles,
My ears yearn for the pinnacle of pinnacles;
And my mind hopes it earns the miracle of miracles!
There, You are, in my Vrindavan,
Playing the flute, enriching my Man-Van;
But alas! here i am stranded
As though an alien abandoned!
Fie not the mind that runs to You,
Vie not my misfortune that i cannot see You,
Buy not i will words that confer patience-
Sigh not i will tilll tor each You, i finish my work with diligence!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Senthamarai Kannan (The Lotus-Eyed Krishna of Tholaivillimangalam)
Devarpirane, my Lord!
Today, you will be out on Your palanquin,
On Hanuman's hands, placing Your holy feet;
Today, You will be out to delight the masses-
Your beautiful body adorned with flowers of all classes!
Today, the sky will peer down,
As You set out amidst jubilations aplomb;
From the Three Worlds, Your devotees will throng-
To see You come out amidst music and many a song.
Your face smiling- senses deriding;
Your eyes deep, Lotus Eyes indeed!
Your fragrance in the air will waft,
Your presence will send all into attention rapt.
You have been praised as the Lord of the thick garden-
But oh! the foliage has been by calamities stricken;
Then how unfortunate, my Lord-
That i cannot even offer a little flower!
You steal my mind, O Protector of my Clan,
i wish i were near You holding a fan!
Bedecked in all finery, to see You,
In my mind now, is raging a greedy hue!
Today, you will be out on Your palanquin,
On Hanuman's hands, placing Your holy feet;
Today, You will be out to delight the masses-
Your beautiful body adorned with flowers of all classes!
Today, the sky will peer down,
As You set out amidst jubilations aplomb;
From the Three Worlds, Your devotees will throng-
To see You come out amidst music and many a song.
Your face smiling- senses deriding;
Your eyes deep, Lotus Eyes indeed!
Your fragrance in the air will waft,
Your presence will send all into attention rapt.
You have been praised as the Lord of the thick garden-
But oh! the foliage has been by calamities stricken;
Then how unfortunate, my Lord-
That i cannot even offer a little flower!
You steal my mind, O Protector of my Clan,
i wish i were near You holding a fan!
Bedecked in all finery, to see You,
In my mind now, is raging a greedy hue!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Does Love Lie?
They say lovers lie,
To give their heart in style;
They say that Love is their Life,
Their oar in the boat of Strife;
They say they are enslaved,
Done in by charm's parade;
They say that they lose themselves
To their Love, and thus win joy for themselves,
They say the beloved resides in the heart,
Which will stop if the lover does depart;
They say they have been born for the One,
The one who does their senses stun.
O Lord! Behold my ironic state,
For, by these statements, the Eternal Truth i would thus state!!!
This greatness of Yours,
Humbles me, bestraddles me;
O! Creator of Space!
Is it foolish to bind You by the heart's pace?
O Lover! When i speak inadvertently,
In a manner that would beguile You greatly;
You go on smiling placidly,
Or chide me ever so lovingly!
O Lord of the Three Worlds!
Forgive me misdeeds in action, thoughts or words-
Forever, enamoured this mind i find-
By Your radiance with which You are said to blind!
To give their heart in style;
They say that Love is their Life,
Their oar in the boat of Strife;
They say they are enslaved,
Done in by charm's parade;
They say that they lose themselves
To their Love, and thus win joy for themselves,
They say the beloved resides in the heart,
Which will stop if the lover does depart;
They say they have been born for the One,
The one who does their senses stun.
O Lord! Behold my ironic state,
For, by these statements, the Eternal Truth i would thus state!!!
This greatness of Yours,
Humbles me, bestraddles me;
O! Creator of Space!
Is it foolish to bind You by the heart's pace?
O Lover! When i speak inadvertently,
In a manner that would beguile You greatly;
You go on smiling placidly,
Or chide me ever so lovingly!
O Lord of the Three Worlds!
Forgive me misdeeds in action, thoughts or words-
Forever, enamoured this mind i find-
By Your radiance with which You are said to blind!
Monday, November 22, 2010
So Be It!
If i must not come see You, so be it;
If i must not come revel at You, so be it;
If i must not feast my eyes on Your beautiful form, so be it.
If i must not hear those poetic sounds so awesome; so be it.
If i must not let my mind dance like the lamps, so be it.
If i cannot admire Your beautiful stance, so be it.
If i must not partake Your dinner, so be it.
If i must not drink the Nectar of Your Lotus Feet, so be it.
If i am entitled to be a moaning loser, so be it.
If this cruel seperation is part of Your plans neat, so be it.
If this be Your descision, so be it-
Surrendered slave i am- i will not question it.
If my agony is Your joy, so be it-
Your joy is my jubilation, so be it!
But, when i am thus unceremoniously cast away-
Do You wish me to smile away, O Lord now so Far Away?
What of the tribulations in the mind's fray
Caused by Your mighty play?
You can do what You may-
Yet, i have doubts nay:
For today, You may keep me away,
But, otherwise, You will make things work my way!
If i must not come revel at You, so be it;
If i must not feast my eyes on Your beautiful form, so be it.
If i must not hear those poetic sounds so awesome; so be it.
If i must not let my mind dance like the lamps, so be it.
If i cannot admire Your beautiful stance, so be it.
If i must not partake Your dinner, so be it.
If i must not drink the Nectar of Your Lotus Feet, so be it.
If i am entitled to be a moaning loser, so be it.
If this cruel seperation is part of Your plans neat, so be it.
If this be Your descision, so be it-
Surrendered slave i am- i will not question it.
If my agony is Your joy, so be it-
Your joy is my jubilation, so be it!
But, when i am thus unceremoniously cast away-
Do You wish me to smile away, O Lord now so Far Away?
What of the tribulations in the mind's fray
Caused by Your mighty play?
You can do what You may-
Yet, i have doubts nay:
For today, You may keep me away,
But, otherwise, You will make things work my way!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Standing Close To You...
My Lord Parthasarathy!
Standing close to You,
Doubts in my mind must be few;
Yet, the mind conjurs its idiotic questions anew:
What will i enjoy, my Lord?
Must i look at Your beautiful feet
Which are my only shelter as times fleet?
Must i look at Your Forever-Giving Hands,
Which don't even give Your devotees to ask twice a chance?
Must i look at Your fingers slender-
That hold the Panchajanya which sent Your foes running asunder?
Must i look at Your arms so inviting-
That held me in an embrace revelling?
Must i look at Your pillar-like thighs,
Wherein, i rested my cheeks, on a day so nice?
Must i stare unabashedly at Your radiant face-
That brings a smile on Your devotees' face?
Must i stare at Your lotus-eyes so wide-
And, myself, lost in You find?
Must i look at Your moustache,
That completes Your picture of amazement with panache?
Or, must i find respite in Thine smile-
Even as it sends all haunting doubts to exile??
Or, must i just to Rukmini Thaayar bow-
Who has forever Her kind grace bestowed?
By the Lord of Time,
To stand close to Him, i have been blessed abundantly:
But oh! when You smile Your beautiful smile-
You send the concept of 'time duration' to exile!
Standing close to You,
Doubts in my mind must be few;
Yet, the mind conjurs its idiotic questions anew:
What will i enjoy, my Lord?
Must i look at Your beautiful feet
Which are my only shelter as times fleet?
Must i look at Your Forever-Giving Hands,
Which don't even give Your devotees to ask twice a chance?
Must i look at Your fingers slender-
That hold the Panchajanya which sent Your foes running asunder?
Must i look at Your arms so inviting-
That held me in an embrace revelling?
Must i look at Your pillar-like thighs,
Wherein, i rested my cheeks, on a day so nice?
Must i stare unabashedly at Your radiant face-
That brings a smile on Your devotees' face?
Must i stare at Your lotus-eyes so wide-
And, myself, lost in You find?
Must i look at Your moustache,
That completes Your picture of amazement with panache?
Or, must i find respite in Thine smile-
Even as it sends all haunting doubts to exile??
Or, must i just to Rukmini Thaayar bow-
Who has forever Her kind grace bestowed?
By the Lord of Time,
To stand close to Him, i have been blessed abundantly:
But oh! when You smile Your beautiful smile-
You send the concept of 'time duration' to exile!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
न कदानुभवे? When will i experience???
प्रेमदं च मे कामदं च मे
वेदनं च मे वैभवं च मे
जीवनं च मे जीवितं च मे
देवनं च मे देवनापरम!
- Krishna Karnamrutam by Lilasuka
You are (all) my love, and also (all) my desire;
You are (all) my knowledge, You also are (all) my wealth;
You are my Life, You also are my Life Support (all i have);
You (alone) are my God, and none else!!
Premadam cha me, kAmadam cha me,
Vedanam cha me, Vaibhavam cha me,
Jivanam cha me, Jivitam cha me,
Devanam cha me, DevanAparam.
40 minutes of Sanskrit class at school = 40 minutes of Your bliss
Krishna, given, that, at one point, i was not even going to take Sanskrit as my subject, i thank You for being my dearest Parthasarathy, and making me take up this subject. For otherwise, i would not have had the wonderful experience of listening to, and experiencing, atleast a fraction of, the madness that Lilasuka felt.
वेदनं च मे वैभवं च मे
जीवनं च मे जीवितं च मे
देवनं च मे देवनापरम!
- Krishna Karnamrutam by Lilasuka
You are (all) my love, and also (all) my desire;
You are (all) my knowledge, You also are (all) my wealth;
You are my Life, You also are my Life Support (all i have);
You (alone) are my God, and none else!!
Premadam cha me, kAmadam cha me,
Vedanam cha me, Vaibhavam cha me,
Jivanam cha me, Jivitam cha me,
Devanam cha me, DevanAparam.
40 minutes of Sanskrit class at school = 40 minutes of Your bliss
Krishna, given, that, at one point, i was not even going to take Sanskrit as my subject, i thank You for being my dearest Parthasarathy, and making me take up this subject. For otherwise, i would not have had the wonderful experience of listening to, and experiencing, atleast a fraction of, the madness that Lilasuka felt.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Krishna- You are...
You are the Lord of my heart,
You are the life in my blood,
You are the breath in my existence,
And You are my One and all.
You are the life of my paltry verse,
You are the death of my thoughts adverse;
You are the Ranganatha on my mind-bed,
You are the Parthasarathy of my mind-chariot.
You are the goal of my life,
And my Guide, too in the strife.
i may be nothing but an ignorant idiot-
You are all i have, my dearest IDIOT.
You are my companion in all times,
You are the patient listenr of my whines.
You are my puppeteer,
And when in trouble, my dear musketeer!
You are all that is defined by my wishes,
You are all that is undefined by the word love.
You are my Science, when life is scientifical-
And when life is unreasonable, all that is unscientifical.
You are my craving,
You Yourself are my blessing.
You are my desire,
You are this cold heart's fire.
Refuge is Your lotus feet,
Respite is Your beautiful smile.
Relishing Your each and every fickle action,
Rejoicing at being Your surrendered slave.
You are my Victory,
For, to You, i have lost!
You are my surrender,
You are the one who makes me maddened and wander!
You are the life in my blood,
You are the breath in my existence,
And You are my One and all.
You are the life of my paltry verse,
You are the death of my thoughts adverse;
You are the Ranganatha on my mind-bed,
You are the Parthasarathy of my mind-chariot.
You are the goal of my life,
And my Guide, too in the strife.
i may be nothing but an ignorant idiot-
You are all i have, my dearest IDIOT.
You are my companion in all times,
You are the patient listenr of my whines.
You are my puppeteer,
And when in trouble, my dear musketeer!
You are all that is defined by my wishes,
You are all that is undefined by the word love.
You are my Science, when life is scientifical-
And when life is unreasonable, all that is unscientifical.
You are my craving,
You Yourself are my blessing.
You are my desire,
You are this cold heart's fire.
Refuge is Your lotus feet,
Respite is Your beautiful smile.
Relishing Your each and every fickle action,
Rejoicing at being Your surrendered slave.
You are my Victory,
For, to You, i have lost!
You are my surrender,
You are the one who makes me maddened and wander!
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Abolisher of Fear
When knowledge was swallowed by pride,
And when minds were riding the fear ride-
O Hayagreevaa! You set all those fears aside!
When the Gods feared demolition,
When they begged Your benediction- As Mohini
You abolished their fears in true fashion.
When dear Mother Earth was taken prisoner,
And was caught in the whims of an evil-doer, O Varaha!
You fought fiercely to save Her, O Supreme Protector!
When the world, of an evil demon, ran amock in fear,
But his own son, on the path of devotion, lost fear- O Narasimha!
You came, and instilled, in the minds of wrong-doers, unsurmountable fear!
By Your beautiful feet, the world You measured,
In front of You, all false-pride stuttered- O Vamana!
One sight of You, and all fears be weathered!
When people were ruthless, O Parashurama! You instilled fear,
But O Rama! You caressed Your devotees by keeping them near:
O Krishna! It is only seperation from You i fear!
When the rain of arrogance Your devotees lashed,
Govinda! By lifting a hill, their anxieties stashed:
Keshava! Seeing Your beautiful face, even Fear will run abashed!
When the mind of Partha was full of fear:
Towards reality, the chariot You masterfully did steer.
O Parthasarathy! The wasteful travails of the mind to shreds You tear!
When Draupadi was in a condition destitute:
O Janardhana! She called out to You: the Protector Absolute-
And You, once again, the triumph of fear did forcefully refute!
O Bhaktavatsala! With the Lord at their beck and call
Your devotees shall never suffer fear's downfall-
Now, these flowing tears, Krishna! by You gentle caress stall!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Do i have any rights?
When You are always here,
But sometimes, i falter,
Can i still belong to You?
When You are so good,
and i ungrateful-
Would i still have Your presence?
When You are impeccable,
And, yet, i commit mistakes intolerable-
Would You still save me from seperation miserable?
When i forget Your greatness,
And fall back on my promises-
Would You still bless me with Your caresses.
When You are all-encompassing,
And, yet, i commit errors embarrasing-
Would You stay with me, my Lord, all-forgiving?
When the ocean of love suffers a despair-spill,
And, my whole world comes to a standstill:
Would You not the void fill?
When i commit errors in devotion-
Do i still have rights to call myself a devotee?
When my mind is turning out to be full of vice-
Do i have rights to love Thee, to talk things nice?
Maybe i do not have the right to talk to You,
But, other options i have are few-
i have none but surrender unto You!
Forgive me, if You will,
By Your embrace, my holes kindly fill-
And by Your wonderful presence, this little heart You fill.
But sometimes, i falter,
Can i still belong to You?
When You are so good,
and i ungrateful-
Would i still have Your presence?
When You are impeccable,
And, yet, i commit mistakes intolerable-
Would You still save me from seperation miserable?
When i forget Your greatness,
And fall back on my promises-
Would You still bless me with Your caresses.
When You are all-encompassing,
And, yet, i commit errors embarrasing-
Would You stay with me, my Lord, all-forgiving?
When the ocean of love suffers a despair-spill,
And, my whole world comes to a standstill:
Would You not the void fill?
When i commit errors in devotion-
Do i still have rights to call myself a devotee?
When my mind is turning out to be full of vice-
Do i have rights to love Thee, to talk things nice?
Maybe i do not have the right to talk to You,
But, other options i have are few-
i have none but surrender unto You!
Forgive me, if You will,
By Your embrace, my holes kindly fill-
And by Your wonderful presence, this little heart You fill.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
O Blessed Water!
O The water of the blessed river:
Tell me about my dear lover!
How the sweetness of His touch sanctified You,
And gave you life anew!
Tell me how you His lotus feet cleansed,
And, with that sweet water yourself cleansed!
Tell me how your blessed water entered His mouth-
And felt the nectar that i have sought!
Tell me how He held you in His cupped palm,
Tell me about His infinite charm;
Tell me what it was like to touch His curly locks-
And, thus free yourself from all the chains with double locks.
Tell me about His endless eyes on which you were splashed,
Tell me about His luscious lips that You so luckily touched.
Tell me about that cloud-complexioned boy,
Who played with you like you were His toy.
When you washed the serene radiance of His face:
Was it not like You were washing the sun's rays?
Tell me, when you touched Him in every place:
Weren't you playing with the World's solace?
They say in your waters are lost the impure-
For you are among the most pure-
But, when the One who made you pure- the Purest of the Pure
Straddled in you, wasn't He making your impure pure?
Oh! You served Him so wonderfully,
What a day when the Lord played in your water joyfully.
Not capable of serving Him, my state is sorry:
May He bless me to serve Him beautifully!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Rainy Thoughts...
Dearest Krishna,
Today, i stood on the rims of my window,
Seeing, the greens all around rejoicing in a row-
The rain was coming down- up to below;
And, in that blue sky, Your complexion was shown!
The plants were rejoicing,
They were afterall in an exercise of nourishing;
But, they were also at the sky glancing,
At the sight of their Lord's complexion, revelling.
And, when i asked them if that was what they really meant,
Touched my face a gentle breeze, with a beautiful scent:
At that moment, i (joyfully) wept, (i thought it was a yes)
The rain had, indeed, my anxieties swept!
Oh dear! There was a thunder so loud,
The rain's son's name, it is a custom to say aloud;
But i thought, how Arjuna, was to You bound-
And, then , i just revelled in the sound.
If the rain was Your association-
Parthasarathy, Partha experienced it to perfection:
You actually spoke to Him, and thus thinking-
Here, i am, on my window sill stretching, raindrop-collecting.
The thunder struck again-
This time, with the chorus of torrential rain:
Till now, it had been quite melliflous a downpour
Perhaps You were riding the sky, that's why the water, in eagerness, flowed.
Today, i stood on the rims of my window,
Seeing, the greens all around rejoicing in a row-
The rain was coming down- up to below;
And, in that blue sky, Your complexion was shown!
The plants were rejoicing,
They were afterall in an exercise of nourishing;
But, they were also at the sky glancing,
At the sight of their Lord's complexion, revelling.
And, when i asked them if that was what they really meant,
Touched my face a gentle breeze, with a beautiful scent:
At that moment, i (joyfully) wept, (i thought it was a yes)
The rain had, indeed, my anxieties swept!
Oh dear! There was a thunder so loud,
The rain's son's name, it is a custom to say aloud;
But i thought, how Arjuna, was to You bound-
And, then , i just revelled in the sound.
If the rain was Your association-
Parthasarathy, Partha experienced it to perfection:
You actually spoke to Him, and thus thinking-
Here, i am, on my window sill stretching, raindrop-collecting.
The thunder struck again-
This time, with the chorus of torrential rain:
Till now, it had been quite melliflous a downpour
Perhaps You were riding the sky, that's why the water, in eagerness, flowed.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Dearest Parthasarathy: The Petition
Dearest Parthasarathy,
Thanks for the darshan today.
i have one request of You.
You may take it as the ramblings of an insincere-in-service devotee, or You may be kind enough to take it as a petition:
P- Permit, to serve
E- Enable to see
T- Teach, to love, unconditionally
I- 'i' may be lost in 'You'
T- Thrive i may, as Your slave, at Your feet
I- Inspire, to surrender unto You
O- Ostentatious intentions and false-pride be my loss
N- Never, never seperated from You
Forever Yours,
In Love With You,
Your slave
Thanks for the darshan today.
i have one request of You.
You may take it as the ramblings of an insincere-in-service devotee, or You may be kind enough to take it as a petition:
P- Permit, to serve
E- Enable to see
T- Teach, to love, unconditionally
I- 'i' may be lost in 'You'
T- Thrive i may, as Your slave, at Your feet
I- Inspire, to surrender unto You
O- Ostentatious intentions and false-pride be my loss
N- Never, never seperated from You
Forever Yours,
In Love With You,
Your slave
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Krishna...am sorry...and thanks for making me Realize...
Dearest Lord,
What do i say?
i chided You, got angry at You, when none of it was Your fault.
i was angry coz i could not see You.
i was upset as i had lost the privilege of being with You.
But, i forgot, that all this was happening because i love You.
i forgot to tell You, or show You how much You mean to me.
And, then, You made something (i dunno what) clear when i talked with a few devotees.
And then You showed me this wonderful video.
How could i ever think of blaming You, dearest Lover?
These pictures are but signs of Your loving nature!
You are my all, and i am Yours.
i had no right to the dramatic stupidity, and no reason too.
You were, and are, always here, and will always be there.
Am sorry, for being so horrible.
Please forgive me.
Come back, dearest Krishna, and teach me a lesson in love anew.
Maybe this itself was one: to love You without expecting in return.
i am lost here, if You will not come.
You are my Everything, if You abscond, then there is nothing.
Come, come, come....dearest KRISHNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i should have realized when You showed me the guru in my dream...
i should have realized when You saved me...
But no...am stupid.
AM profusely SORRY.
i am surrendered unto You.
Am at Your discretion.
Whatever You do, o the One i Love, i am Yours, and Yours forever.
Just let me serve You.
What do i say?
i chided You, got angry at You, when none of it was Your fault.
i was angry coz i could not see You.
i was upset as i had lost the privilege of being with You.
But, i forgot, that all this was happening because i love You.
i forgot to tell You, or show You how much You mean to me.
And, then, You made something (i dunno what) clear when i talked with a few devotees.
And then You showed me this wonderful video.
How could i ever think of blaming You, dearest Lover?
These pictures are but signs of Your loving nature!
You are my all, and i am Yours.
i had no right to the dramatic stupidity, and no reason too.
You were, and are, always here, and will always be there.
Am sorry, for being so horrible.
Please forgive me.
Come back, dearest Krishna, and teach me a lesson in love anew.
Maybe this itself was one: to love You without expecting in return.
i am lost here, if You will not come.
You are my Everything, if You abscond, then there is nothing.
Come, come, come....dearest KRISHNA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i should have realized when You showed me the guru in my dream...
i should have realized when You saved me...
But no...am stupid.
AM profusely SORRY.
i am surrendered unto You.
Am at Your discretion.
Whatever You do, o the One i Love, i am Yours, and Yours forever.
Just let me serve You.
KRISHNA!!!! (Calling Out)
The thoughts of Your radiant smile dazzle me,
The memories of Your beautiful face teases me,
Your beautiful peacock feather, dancing along, seems to call me,
O Krishna! Where art Thee?
The jewels that adorn Your chest,
The beautiful garland hanging from Your neck,
The armlet on Your sculpted arms, and Your torso without a vest,
And, yellow garments, on my Lord, who makes the yellow sun look like a peck.
The sunlight in Your eyes,
The moonlight in Your smile,
The sky in Your complexion,
And, oh! the Universe is in You!
Ah! The jingling trinkets of Your feet,
Your toe-nails, so beautifully neat:
Oh! Your iron pillar-like thighs
And, beautiful, lotus like feet!!!
O! This heart unto You surrendered,
Do not tear it asunder:
At Your discretion, At Your disposal,
O! From sorrow, by Your grace, grant me an arousal.
Searching in these woods, for You in vain,
My heart seething with pain,
Would You please not come, dearest Krishna!
Isn't hide-and-seek too kiddish, O Krishna!?
If i have wronged- forgive me,
For, there is no other but Thee;
O! O! O! This girl begs to behold Thee!!!
O! Like You once did, Hold me!!
The memories of Your beautiful face teases me,
Your beautiful peacock feather, dancing along, seems to call me,
O Krishna! Where art Thee?
The jewels that adorn Your chest,
The beautiful garland hanging from Your neck,
The armlet on Your sculpted arms, and Your torso without a vest,
And, yellow garments, on my Lord, who makes the yellow sun look like a peck.
The sunlight in Your eyes,
The moonlight in Your smile,
The sky in Your complexion,
And, oh! the Universe is in You!
Ah! The jingling trinkets of Your feet,
Your toe-nails, so beautifully neat:
Oh! Your iron pillar-like thighs
And, beautiful, lotus like feet!!!
O! This heart unto You surrendered,
Do not tear it asunder:
At Your discretion, At Your disposal,
O! From sorrow, by Your grace, grant me an arousal.
Searching in these woods, for You in vain,
My heart seething with pain,
Would You please not come, dearest Krishna!
Isn't hide-and-seek too kiddish, O Krishna!?
If i have wronged- forgive me,
For, there is no other but Thee;
O! O! O! This girl begs to behold Thee!!!
O! Like You once did, Hold me!!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
The Curtain
When i have not even requested Your help,
You are still there, with me-every step;
Yet, when the heart yearns for Your presence:
Why do You punish me thus with Your absence?
When i call out, in times of need, to Thee:
That very moment You are with me!
But, oh! Just one glimpse of You would do:
But, to come to You, i am bound by nature's curfew!!
i cannot come see Your beautiful face,
Nor do i get to stare unabashedly at Your radiant smile;
You have me here tied up by nature's lace,
And, damn me, even You have not come here, flashing Your charming smile.
O Lord! Am at your discretion:
So, You alone are responsible this no-win situation;
Why seperate me from You, my Lord?
Why play games when i need You, dear Lord?
My head is spinning,
And my heart is o'erflowing-
Love it is, mingled with deep sorrow:
Would You not grant this dark night the dawn of 'morrow?
You are still there, with me-every step;
Yet, when the heart yearns for Your presence:
Why do You punish me thus with Your absence?
When i call out, in times of need, to Thee:
That very moment You are with me!
But, oh! Just one glimpse of You would do:
But, to come to You, i am bound by nature's curfew!!
i cannot come see Your beautiful face,
Nor do i get to stare unabashedly at Your radiant smile;
You have me here tied up by nature's lace,
And, damn me, even You have not come here, flashing Your charming smile.
O Lord! Am at your discretion:
So, You alone are responsible this no-win situation;
Why seperate me from You, my Lord?
Why play games when i need You, dear Lord?
My head is spinning,
And my heart is o'erflowing-
Love it is, mingled with deep sorrow:
Would You not grant this dark night the dawn of 'morrow?
When You from the Gopis stole butter:
They chastised You, little stealer:
But deep down, You made their hearts flutter:
Do let me touch those hands, dear Lover.
When You kicked the life out of a lifeless cart,
And the wretched demon a lesson taught:
Your beautiful feet turned red- did they not:
O! To serve them a boon may i have begot!
When You dived into poisonous water, deep by miles,
Your people- oh! Their senses were deriled:
And then, You came out dancing, and with a beautiful smile:
Will You not bestow upon me that smile, for just a little while?
When You put Your lips to a bamboo rod:
And produced many a melodious chord;
The whole world was listening to You, all their worries lost:
Let me but once hear that divine music: deny me not!
(a few days later, i continue this post i left that day...i do not get back the same state of mind to continue the poem, so i will fill in my thoughts today)
When You grant but one glance,
You leave everyone in a stance;
To serve You, give me infinitely many a chance-
And oh! let me get a chance to praise Your every nuance.
They chastised You, little stealer:
But deep down, You made their hearts flutter:
Do let me touch those hands, dear Lover.
When You kicked the life out of a lifeless cart,
And the wretched demon a lesson taught:
Your beautiful feet turned red- did they not:
O! To serve them a boon may i have begot!
When You dived into poisonous water, deep by miles,
Your people- oh! Their senses were deriled:
And then, You came out dancing, and with a beautiful smile:
Will You not bestow upon me that smile, for just a little while?
When You put Your lips to a bamboo rod:
And produced many a melodious chord;
The whole world was listening to You, all their worries lost:
Let me but once hear that divine music: deny me not!
(a few days later, i continue this post i left that day...i do not get back the same state of mind to continue the poem, so i will fill in my thoughts today)
When You grant but one glance,
You leave everyone in a stance;
To serve You, give me infinitely many a chance-
And oh! let me get a chance to praise Your every nuance.
Monday, September 27, 2010
i asked Krishna...
i asked for a glimpse:
You gave a treat for the eyes that missed!
i asked that i may to You belong:
You held me close, all along!
i asked You that i may be able to serve-
Even then, You took care o overwhelm my nerves!
i asked You to live with You, forever:
You are giving a house so close to You, dear Lover.
i asked for forgiveness:
You gave me togetherness!
i asked You for so many things:
You granted all i needed, smiling.
Yesterday, i asked:
How come You aren't in my dreams-
As a reply, i saw, in that realm, the perceptor:
You are asking me to work harder, it seems!
You gave a treat for the eyes that missed!
i asked that i may to You belong:
You held me close, all along!
i asked You that i may be able to serve-
Even then, You took care o overwhelm my nerves!
i asked You to live with You, forever:
You are giving a house so close to You, dear Lover.
i asked for forgiveness:
You gave me togetherness!
i asked You for so many things:
You granted all i needed, smiling.
Yesterday, i asked:
How come You aren't in my dreams-
As a reply, i saw, in that realm, the perceptor:
You are asking me to work harder, it seems!
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Dear Krishna,
i speak of service, serving You.
But, today, i failed You miserably.
i stand here, ashamed, and totally lost.
i am surrendered unto You, do what You think best befits my folly.
It's not like i didn't want to, i just lost sight of my commitment to You.
It doesn't mean i do not love You, it doesn't mean i do not will to serve You, i ........
i was just plain pathetic, and am profusely sorry.
You let me come and see You today, in spite of being so busy, and this is just not the way to say thanks.
i never meant to hurt You, that was not my intention; to please You, i must work, but oh! i have made You angry perhaps.
O My Lord! Forgive me this once, this lapse.
And, i didn't even realize it's Your day today.
Only, i could have messed it up!!!
Bid me serve You, once more.
Forgive me, please!!!!!!!!!!
But, today, i failed You miserably.
i stand here, ashamed, and totally lost.
i am surrendered unto You, do what You think best befits my folly.
It's not like i didn't want to, i just lost sight of my commitment to You.
It doesn't mean i do not love You, it doesn't mean i do not will to serve You, i ........
i was just plain pathetic, and am profusely sorry.
You let me come and see You today, in spite of being so busy, and this is just not the way to say thanks.
i never meant to hurt You, that was not my intention; to please You, i must work, but oh! i have made You angry perhaps.
O My Lord! Forgive me this once, this lapse.
And, i didn't even realize it's Your day today.
Only, i could have messed it up!!!
Bid me serve You, once more.
Forgive me, please!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
O Krishna!!!! Will You??
O! Those toes that are the source of the Ganga river,
Thinking of this my heart does flutter:
May i on them place a little kiss, O Lord ?
O! Those feet worshipped by all:
Their might which brought Kalinga's pride before a fall:
Will You let me paint on them the henna colour?
O! Those legs that ran behind cattle,
That can, our sense of speed, rattle:
May i massage them, my Lord?
O! Your thighs like pillars strong,
When hugging them, true happiness i found:
Can i get lost in that very moment, dear Lord?
O Your nails so immaculate, with which
You saved Your devotees, as Narasimha incarnate:
May i serve You by trimming them, dear Lord?
O! Those fingers of your slender and long:
They may be tired after playing the flute song:
May i press away their fatigue, my Lord?
O! Those hands, forever giving-
Granting, blessing, and to surrender unto You guiding:
Would i be fortunate enough to caress them, my Lord?
O!Those arms of Yours, chiselled and sculpted:
That bear the Chakra, and the conch Panchajanya:
Will you, with them, once more hold me close, dear lover?
O! Thy manly and raised shoulders:
Bid me cross all the wayside boulders-
That i might press them gently, with oily fingers.
O! Your oh-so-handsome torso:
Oh! Words wouldn't express my thoughts: nay-
Bid me (please) fan those drops of sweat away!
O! You serene, radiant face:
That forever in thy devotees' memory stays-
Would You let me apply a cleansing facial paste?
i am unto Your feet surrendered,
Forgive me, really, if this be rashly absurd:
But may i press Your beautiful forehead, my Lord?
Oh! Your curly locks of hair:
You make me unabashedly stare:
But o Keshava! Can i run my hands through Your beautiful hair?
O Thy Lips! Reddish and moist:
Their nectar i crave the most,
But will You arch them, if i fed a sweet, dear Lover?
O! Your beautiful, beautiful eyes:
All the senses, with one glance, You deride?
Forever let me serve You: the rest You decide.
Thinking of this my heart does flutter:
May i on them place a little kiss, O Lord ?
O! Those feet worshipped by all:
Their might which brought Kalinga's pride before a fall:
Will You let me paint on them the henna colour?
O! Those legs that ran behind cattle,
That can, our sense of speed, rattle:
May i massage them, my Lord?
O! Your thighs like pillars strong,
When hugging them, true happiness i found:
Can i get lost in that very moment, dear Lord?
O Your nails so immaculate, with which
You saved Your devotees, as Narasimha incarnate:
May i serve You by trimming them, dear Lord?
O! Those fingers of your slender and long:
They may be tired after playing the flute song:
May i press away their fatigue, my Lord?
O! Those hands, forever giving-
Granting, blessing, and to surrender unto You guiding:
Would i be fortunate enough to caress them, my Lord?
O!Those arms of Yours, chiselled and sculpted:
That bear the Chakra, and the conch Panchajanya:
Will you, with them, once more hold me close, dear lover?
O! Thy manly and raised shoulders:
Bid me cross all the wayside boulders-
That i might press them gently, with oily fingers.
O! Your oh-so-handsome torso:
Oh! Words wouldn't express my thoughts: nay-
Bid me (please) fan those drops of sweat away!
O! You serene, radiant face:
That forever in thy devotees' memory stays-
Would You let me apply a cleansing facial paste?
i am unto Your feet surrendered,
Forgive me, really, if this be rashly absurd:
But may i press Your beautiful forehead, my Lord?
Oh! Your curly locks of hair:
You make me unabashedly stare:
But o Keshava! Can i run my hands through Your beautiful hair?
O Thy Lips! Reddish and moist:
Their nectar i crave the most,
But will You arch them, if i fed a sweet, dear Lover?
O! Your beautiful, beautiful eyes:
All the senses, with one glance, You deride?
Forever let me serve You: the rest You decide.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
A break from my Usual Post Format...Parthasarathy!!!!
Dear Reader,
This blog is a bit stupid perhaps, coz u end up reading letters, and stuff of that sort, which is not exactly directed to you.
But my hope, wish and aim regarding this blog has been to write to Krishna.
But this is a post i wish to share, and do so badly.
Please take a look at this video (Look out keenly for what i mention below the video)
Sri Parthasarathy Perumal, Triplicane
This is Sri Parthasarathy of Triplicane temple, in the heart of Chennai.
It is one of the 108 divya deshams.
If you look keenly, you will see arrow marks all over His face, and actually, His whole body.
The story goes that the metal was recast three times or so, but the marks remained.
These were the marks made by Bhishma in the battlefeild of Kurukshetra when Krishna wonderfully chose to take up the role of Arjuna's Charioteer.
Such is His wonder: He took up all this upon Himself for His devotee, and the marks on His body too were made by a devotee!
Such is His love, such is His greatness! Simply stunning! :)
Another thing perhaps not visible in all the decoration is the stretch mark on His waist, where Yashodha tied Him to a mortar.
He is the Utsava Moorthy.
The 'Mulavar' is Sri Venkata Krishnan, who, quite in style, sports a handlebar moustache and all. He is present, along with Sri Rukmini.
Also present along with the Lord are Balaram, His younger brother Satyaki, His son Pradyumna, and His grandson Aniruddha (yep, a family darshan, like nowhere else).
There are also seperate 'sannathis', or "karpagraha" for Thelliya Singar ( Yoga Narasimha), Varadaraja Perumal (granting moksha to Gajendra on Garuda), Sri Ranganatha, Sri Ranganayaki Thaayar, Sri Rama, and Aandal (Yes, she is there along with Her Krishna :) )
wooh! i began writing this post, as i was feeling bad, thinking about the marks on His face. Even if you see Him often, you don't get used to it. In fact, it is deeply saddening, and makes you wonder: why doesn't He just get a facial done????
But i guess, i finished with a mini-description of the temple (His will, maybe)!
Well, if you ever get a chance, do not miss an opportunity to visit Him.
He is absolutely fantabulous, and i could tell you, in no less than a trillion words-just how!
This blog is a bit stupid perhaps, coz u end up reading letters, and stuff of that sort, which is not exactly directed to you.
But my hope, wish and aim regarding this blog has been to write to Krishna.
But this is a post i wish to share, and do so badly.
Please take a look at this video (Look out keenly for what i mention below the video)
Sri Parthasarathy Perumal, Triplicane
This is Sri Parthasarathy of Triplicane temple, in the heart of Chennai.
It is one of the 108 divya deshams.
If you look keenly, you will see arrow marks all over His face, and actually, His whole body.
The story goes that the metal was recast three times or so, but the marks remained.
These were the marks made by Bhishma in the battlefeild of Kurukshetra when Krishna wonderfully chose to take up the role of Arjuna's Charioteer.
Such is His wonder: He took up all this upon Himself for His devotee, and the marks on His body too were made by a devotee!
Such is His love, such is His greatness! Simply stunning! :)
Another thing perhaps not visible in all the decoration is the stretch mark on His waist, where Yashodha tied Him to a mortar.
He is the Utsava Moorthy.
The 'Mulavar' is Sri Venkata Krishnan, who, quite in style, sports a handlebar moustache and all. He is present, along with Sri Rukmini.
Also present along with the Lord are Balaram, His younger brother Satyaki, His son Pradyumna, and His grandson Aniruddha (yep, a family darshan, like nowhere else).
There are also seperate 'sannathis', or "karpagraha" for Thelliya Singar ( Yoga Narasimha), Varadaraja Perumal (granting moksha to Gajendra on Garuda), Sri Ranganatha, Sri Ranganayaki Thaayar, Sri Rama, and Aandal (Yes, she is there along with Her Krishna :) )
wooh! i began writing this post, as i was feeling bad, thinking about the marks on His face. Even if you see Him often, you don't get used to it. In fact, it is deeply saddening, and makes you wonder: why doesn't He just get a facial done????
But i guess, i finished with a mini-description of the temple (His will, maybe)!
Well, if you ever get a chance, do not miss an opportunity to visit Him.
He is absolutely fantabulous, and i could tell you, in no less than a trillion words-just how!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
A Peircing Glance and a Lasting Smile
When the sun comes out of the ocean,
When a lamp lights up a dark room all of a sudden,
When the fire dances about in a night sullen:
Then, a shade of Your glance i may have begotten.
When the horizon creaked in pristine glory,
When the rainbow lit up the sky so cloudy,
When the crescent adorned the sky smartly:
Then, i remembered Your smile gladly.
The sun, the star, the moon, the sky :
Them i use in an attempt to describe
Your wonders so profound, my shiny-armoured Knight! :)
But oh! As the Lord Yourself, all definitions You defy.
Bless these eyes of mine to forever be able to see You,
Bless me that i forever sing Your glories anew:
i am unto You surrendered: Keep me with You-
Forever to be able to love and to serve You!
When a lamp lights up a dark room all of a sudden,
When the fire dances about in a night sullen:
Then, a shade of Your glance i may have begotten.
When the horizon creaked in pristine glory,
When the rainbow lit up the sky so cloudy,
When the crescent adorned the sky smartly:
Then, i remembered Your smile gladly.
The sun, the star, the moon, the sky :
Them i use in an attempt to describe
Your wonders so profound, my shiny-armoured Knight! :)
But oh! As the Lord Yourself, all definitions You defy.
Bless these eyes of mine to forever be able to see You,
Bless me that i forever sing Your glories anew:
i am unto You surrendered: Keep me with You-
Forever to be able to love and to serve You!
Monday, August 23, 2010
After a Long Time...
When the clouds enveloped the sky:
Your beautiful complexion i experienced;
When the clouds of distress crowd my life:
Oh! Let me Your companionship experience!
Am stranded in a desert- lonely and sad;
You are the only respite i have had;
O Mukundha! Come, slay these demons that haunt me:
Your very presence lends vigour and glee.
O Krishna! Monarch of my Mind:
Do You, my mind, unworthy find?
Help me clear the debris away-
So that it is worthy of Your stay!
In the path of life, somewhere stranded-
(As i have all along blundered):
Dearest Parthasarathy! Lead my way:
From my goal, let there be deviations nay.
O Epitome of Forbearance! Am sorry to have tested You:
O All-Forgiving One! Sorry, for i implored again and again!
O Sweetheart! Let my instability not do me (from You) apart:
Unto You surrendered, help me play my part!
Your beautiful complexion i experienced;
When the clouds of distress crowd my life:
Oh! Let me Your companionship experience!
Am stranded in a desert- lonely and sad;
You are the only respite i have had;
O Mukundha! Come, slay these demons that haunt me:
Your very presence lends vigour and glee.
O Krishna! Monarch of my Mind:
Do You, my mind, unworthy find?
Help me clear the debris away-
So that it is worthy of Your stay!
In the path of life, somewhere stranded-
(As i have all along blundered):
Dearest Parthasarathy! Lead my way:
From my goal, let there be deviations nay.
O Epitome of Forbearance! Am sorry to have tested You:
O All-Forgiving One! Sorry, for i implored again and again!
O Sweetheart! Let my instability not do me (from You) apart:
Unto You surrendered, help me play my part!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
i am sorry! :(

Of what use is my mind now?
i feel like an idiot here.
My mind conjures up not one verse.
My heart can forseek not one meeting with You.
My brain can never sop thinking of You (even now), but can't do so completely.
In my life, i find myself in an utter mess.
What do i do, dearest Lover?
What of those pure, pristine moments i had the great opportunity of sharing with You?
What of Your little gifts like those regular visits in my dream?
What of those surprises You swung up each time?
What of those flowers You would so wonderfully give me?
What of being lost in Your loving embrace?
What of wallowing in Your love?
What of secretly ling so i could meet You, or get something for You?
What of my dreams, of planting a little kiss on You?
What of those times when i could cook for You?
What of that simply extraordinary joy of looking at You?
What of that supreme satisfaction in serving You?
Do u now find me unworthy of You?
Or was i always, and now so in a worse state?
Where are You, my Lord?
Forgive my heart for becoming such a debris dump.
Come, dearest Lover, adorn Your throne- o Monarch of My Mind!
You are all i have: i wouldn't be fair to leave me.
No, i have never lost Your support, but i yearn for You, my Lord.
You know the pressures i face: half due to my inactivity, and half due to the fact that i have a board exam coming up!
The first problem compounds the second one by a hundred times!
You are my Guide: i trust none but You.
But do not leave me thus in a desert of loneliness.
i am sorry i end up being so preoccupied...it's all my fault.
But i love You, absolutely.
Please understand my state, and do not keep me away.
i cannot stand distance from You.

Yours forever, in Love.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Not Able to See You!
Those whom from my heart i love:
They have climbed a hill to see my Love;
Standing majestic on the hill- o the One i love:
When will You upon me Your kind grace bestow?
My eyes are indeed unlucky:
For to see Your beautiful form, today unworthy!
My hands are indeed unfortunate:
For today, they couldn't, in front of You supplicate!
My feet are in a state quite pitiable:
Not having been able to walk to the Lord so adorable!
My heart wallows in a sea of sorrow:
For it couldn't embrace the Vanquisher of Sorrow!
You stand on a rock, and of the whole Universe take stock,
And unto You multitudes of Your devotees flock!
i type here- alone, and for company my memories:
Of how each time, You won over this insignifant heart!
O What wouldn't i give for Your one smile
To cast its spell on me and my senses deride?
O What wouldn't i give to see Your lotus-like Eyes
That, in a maddening way, the world entice?
O What wouldn't i give to feel secure
Embraced by Your love so genuine!
But i have already given myself to the service of Your feet:
Alas! Even those beautiful Feet i cannot see!
O Monarch of my Mind:
Of Your beautiful Eyes, grant me but one glance;
Of Your sweet lips, i beg of but a loving smile;
Of Your kindness, dearest Lover, i beg of but one meeting:
You are my All, and for You this heart goes on beating!
(This post is dedicated specially to my dear Lord Srinivasa, Tirupati)
They have climbed a hill to see my Love;
Standing majestic on the hill- o the One i love:
When will You upon me Your kind grace bestow?
My eyes are indeed unlucky:
For to see Your beautiful form, today unworthy!
My hands are indeed unfortunate:
For today, they couldn't, in front of You supplicate!
My feet are in a state quite pitiable:
Not having been able to walk to the Lord so adorable!
My heart wallows in a sea of sorrow:
For it couldn't embrace the Vanquisher of Sorrow!
You stand on a rock, and of the whole Universe take stock,
And unto You multitudes of Your devotees flock!
i type here- alone, and for company my memories:
Of how each time, You won over this insignifant heart!
O What wouldn't i give for Your one smile
To cast its spell on me and my senses deride?
O What wouldn't i give to see Your lotus-like Eyes
That, in a maddening way, the world entice?
O What wouldn't i give to feel secure
Embraced by Your love so genuine!
But i have already given myself to the service of Your feet:
Alas! Even those beautiful Feet i cannot see!
O Monarch of my Mind:
Of Your beautiful Eyes, grant me but one glance;
Of Your sweet lips, i beg of but a loving smile;
Of Your kindness, dearest Lover, i beg of but one meeting:
You are my All, and for You this heart goes on beating!
(This post is dedicated specially to my dear Lord Srinivasa, Tirupati)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
How can You be soooooooo nice??
i find myself lacking in verse.
But i have to write, so please lend me Your ears, or rather, as this is a blog, Your beautiful, lotus-like Eyes!
What do i write, my Lord?
You have me totally dumbfounded by Your mercy!
Where Your one glance steers away the talk of sin, Your one touch bestowed upon this poor girl all the wonders in the world!
Where merely thinking about You fills the heart with sweetness profound, Your one wonderful act of mercy leaves it maddeningly happy!!
Indeed, the first day i got to stand close to You, i said : Kill me, now, my dear Krishna, for my life can't get better than this!
Maybe You laughed!
Now, each and every time i see You, i lose myself to You, in a different way.
Indeed, how better can life get?
But yes, it will...for the next time i see You, You will leave me astounded again!
For such is Your nature, my dearest Lover!
You are so wonderfully blemishless, no one can ever disapprove of You!
How lucky i am, that i fell in love with You, as even my mother can't find a fault in You ! :)
But, i am always lucky, for You are with me.
i will be unlucky in Your absence, and i don't see that happening, by Your kind grace.
Ofcourse there are times when i get luckier, and luckier, and luckier, but as long as i am with the Master of the Universe, and as long as unto the Goddess of Fortune, am surrendered, i will be forever lucky, as i'll have Your wonderful association.
Coming back to disapproving, it hurts me so much when someone says something wrong about You.
(Ofcourse, i do make fun of You, but that is a totally different issue.)
It hurts me so bad when i find myself incapable of telling them how wrong they are, for all my debating prowess, Your gift which won me so many prizes, is a mere waste then.
It's not like i don't trust You, or that i doubt You. Never!!!!
But, the strong reasons i found to trust You, i cannot list out to them.
The wonderful way in which You so kindly bless those who come even an inch towards You, i cannot explain.
i find myself weak, incapable, and woefully ashamed, and at the same time, deeply disgruntled.
i have neither knowledge nor conviction to prove the points that i have found to be sooo true!!
Ain't i a bad devotee of Yours, in that respect?
Will You be kind and merciful on me, like You always have been, and bless me with whatsoever be it that i need?
Forever Yours,
But i have to write, so please lend me Your ears, or rather, as this is a blog, Your beautiful, lotus-like Eyes!
What do i write, my Lord?
You have me totally dumbfounded by Your mercy!
Where Your one glance steers away the talk of sin, Your one touch bestowed upon this poor girl all the wonders in the world!
Where merely thinking about You fills the heart with sweetness profound, Your one wonderful act of mercy leaves it maddeningly happy!!
Indeed, the first day i got to stand close to You, i said : Kill me, now, my dear Krishna, for my life can't get better than this!
Maybe You laughed!
Now, each and every time i see You, i lose myself to You, in a different way.
Indeed, how better can life get?
But yes, it will...for the next time i see You, You will leave me astounded again!
For such is Your nature, my dearest Lover!
You are so wonderfully blemishless, no one can ever disapprove of You!
How lucky i am, that i fell in love with You, as even my mother can't find a fault in You ! :)
But, i am always lucky, for You are with me.
i will be unlucky in Your absence, and i don't see that happening, by Your kind grace.
Ofcourse there are times when i get luckier, and luckier, and luckier, but as long as i am with the Master of the Universe, and as long as unto the Goddess of Fortune, am surrendered, i will be forever lucky, as i'll have Your wonderful association.
Coming back to disapproving, it hurts me so much when someone says something wrong about You.
(Ofcourse, i do make fun of You, but that is a totally different issue.)
It hurts me so bad when i find myself incapable of telling them how wrong they are, for all my debating prowess, Your gift which won me so many prizes, is a mere waste then.
It's not like i don't trust You, or that i doubt You. Never!!!!
But, the strong reasons i found to trust You, i cannot list out to them.
The wonderful way in which You so kindly bless those who come even an inch towards You, i cannot explain.
i find myself weak, incapable, and woefully ashamed, and at the same time, deeply disgruntled.
i have neither knowledge nor conviction to prove the points that i have found to be sooo true!!
Ain't i a bad devotee of Yours, in that respect?
Will You be kind and merciful on me, like You always have been, and bless me with whatsoever be it that i need?
Forever Yours,
Sunday, July 25, 2010
My first sweet- for You!!
This is a break from my usual blog posts, but here goes:
Yesterday, for the first time in my life, i made a sweet:
And, i made it only for You!
The first time i ever cooked (rice, sambar, avial-with grandma), i did it only for You!
Yesterday, my Sweetheart, i made a sweet for You!
i do not know what i must really call it, as i do not have any idea what i made.
i think it was 'Akkaravadisal', or maybe it was 'Milk sarkarai pongal', or perhaps something in between.
But i must thank Thaayar (and can't do that well enough in my poor words) for blessing this know-nothing-about-cooking with the ability to cook (albeit blackening the vessel!)
My thanks are also due to a certain Mrs. Shanthi Krishnakumar (You would know her, though i don't), whose blog post gave me the receipe. (i started following the blog for this very reason, though a cooking blog is of no use to me).
You were the one, who, with Your lion-like might, authoritatively asked me for the sweet!
How do i tell you, that it felt so nice that You would actually ask me to do something!!
You do not need me, my Lord, but, considering me Your own, the way You asked me to do it, it forever brings a smile onto my face!
For, i do belong to You.
To see You acknowledge that, is wonderful for me!
i am sorry if i could not meet Your expectations.
You are used to delicacies of all kinds, and now, thinking back, what could a first-timer's attempt claim to please You with?
But My Love, it is You alone i made it for:
Accept my little offering of Love, and if it was really bad, please don't be angry or upset!
My little adventure in the kitchen is nowhere worthy of Your beautiful red lips, but it was thinking of that never-ending smile of Yours alone that i made the dish!
My Love, i am surrendered unto You!
i love You, my Lord.
Forever in love with You, and forever at Your service,
Yesterday, for the first time in my life, i made a sweet:
And, i made it only for You!
The first time i ever cooked (rice, sambar, avial-with grandma), i did it only for You!
Yesterday, my Sweetheart, i made a sweet for You!
i do not know what i must really call it, as i do not have any idea what i made.
i think it was 'Akkaravadisal', or maybe it was 'Milk sarkarai pongal', or perhaps something in between.
But i must thank Thaayar (and can't do that well enough in my poor words) for blessing this know-nothing-about-cooking with the ability to cook (albeit blackening the vessel!)
My thanks are also due to a certain Mrs. Shanthi Krishnakumar (You would know her, though i don't), whose blog post gave me the receipe. (i started following the blog for this very reason, though a cooking blog is of no use to me).
You were the one, who, with Your lion-like might, authoritatively asked me for the sweet!
How do i tell you, that it felt so nice that You would actually ask me to do something!!
You do not need me, my Lord, but, considering me Your own, the way You asked me to do it, it forever brings a smile onto my face!
For, i do belong to You.
To see You acknowledge that, is wonderful for me!
i am sorry if i could not meet Your expectations.
You are used to delicacies of all kinds, and now, thinking back, what could a first-timer's attempt claim to please You with?
But My Love, it is You alone i made it for:
Accept my little offering of Love, and if it was really bad, please don't be angry or upset!
My little adventure in the kitchen is nowhere worthy of Your beautiful red lips, but it was thinking of that never-ending smile of Yours alone that i made the dish!
My Love, i am surrendered unto You!
i love You, my Lord.
Forever in love with You, and forever at Your service,
Friday, July 23, 2010
Krishna in my Dreams!
The Lord of the worlds, tall and majestic:
Beckoning me with a smile so simplistic:
And, as i stood dumbfound-His eyes smiling:
He stretched His beautiful hands so loving!
He smiled: i melted;
He ordered: i followed;
He beckoned: i ventured;
He embraced: i smiled!
His sculpted hands around me,
His beautiful fingers on me:
My Lover's lotus eyes on this poor girl:
His beautiful smile fulfilling my dreams!
i felt my Lord's legs as pillars strong:
i rested my face on my Lover to whom i belong!
i looked up to see His beautiful face-
Complete with that dear smile and that moustache!
Then, i saw next to Him, His ruler:
Unto Her, then completed my surrender!
She then placed on my hair
Her hands beautiful and fair!
Smiling, as though i were mad,
Then, i touched His lotus feet!
But oh! now am in this world back-
Lost in those few moments that did fleet!
O dear Lover! The one i love:
i thought it was i who loved:
But oh! by Your one gesture-
You have unto me amazement bestowed!!
(This particular post is specially dedicated to my dearest Lord Parthasarathy!!!)
Beckoning me with a smile so simplistic:
And, as i stood dumbfound-His eyes smiling:
He stretched His beautiful hands so loving!
He smiled: i melted;
He ordered: i followed;
He beckoned: i ventured;
He embraced: i smiled!
His sculpted hands around me,
His beautiful fingers on me:
My Lover's lotus eyes on this poor girl:
His beautiful smile fulfilling my dreams!
i felt my Lord's legs as pillars strong:
i rested my face on my Lover to whom i belong!
i looked up to see His beautiful face-
Complete with that dear smile and that moustache!
Then, i saw next to Him, His ruler:
Unto Her, then completed my surrender!
She then placed on my hair
Her hands beautiful and fair!
Smiling, as though i were mad,
Then, i touched His lotus feet!
But oh! now am in this world back-
Lost in those few moments that did fleet!
O dear Lover! The one i love:
i thought it was i who loved:
But oh! by Your one gesture-
You have unto me amazement bestowed!!
(This particular post is specially dedicated to my dearest Lord Parthasarathy!!!)
Friday, July 16, 2010
Love is Divine: Love is You!!
Dearest Krishna,
People say love is divine:
Oh! Am in love with divinity itself!
People say love is above all:
With the Lord of all, in Love i did fall!
People say love is beyond the clutches of time,
Am in Love with the Master of Time!
People say in the Lover they see God,
Oh! My lover is indeed the Lord!
People say love makes the world spin,
My Lover sustains the worlds within!
When people are in love, the moon is a beautiful whim,
But oh! My lover's serene radiance can make the moon squirm!
When in love, the lover is faultless:
My Lord is, by nature, blemishless!
People say love is life:
What do i say? My Lover is the sustainer of Life!
People say love is service:
The world is forever at His service!
(count me along!)
People say love is surrender:
Unto my Lord, am surrendered!
My love: it sings His greatness:
But bemoans its littleness!
My love, to describe, i resort to cliches,
O Beautiful Eyed One: Beating around the bush, i lost my way!
From this bizarre predicament, my heart You save:
i love You: That's all i wanted to say!
People say love is divine:
Oh! Am in love with divinity itself!
People say love is above all:
With the Lord of all, in Love i did fall!
People say love is beyond the clutches of time,
Am in Love with the Master of Time!
People say in the Lover they see God,
Oh! My lover is indeed the Lord!
People say love makes the world spin,
My Lover sustains the worlds within!
When people are in love, the moon is a beautiful whim,
But oh! My lover's serene radiance can make the moon squirm!
When in love, the lover is faultless:
My Lord is, by nature, blemishless!
People say love is life:
What do i say? My Lover is the sustainer of Life!
People say love is service:
The world is forever at His service!
(count me along!)
People say love is surrender:
Unto my Lord, am surrendered!
My love: it sings His greatness:
But bemoans its littleness!
My love, to describe, i resort to cliches,
O Beautiful Eyed One: Beating around the bush, i lost my way!
From this bizarre predicament, my heart You save:
i love You: That's all i wanted to say!
The Gopi: to Giridhar
When You lifted the hill
On that one finger so little:
All our worries You stifled,
And with my emotions You fiddled!
O Dearest Lover! O Supreme Protector!
Like moths to fire,
Travellers to an oasis,
Birds to grain:
Here, this heart rushes to You!
Here, caught in life's fleet,
But oh! hear this plea!
All my love does Your grace seek,
For Your one glance, i beseech!
Like the wrongdoers, i am surrendered,
Like Your devotees, i am bewildered:
Once, by lifting the hill, you killed our worries:
Now, acknowlege our longing, and kill our doubts eerie.
P.S: "Kundru kudaiyaay eduthaay, gunam potri!
-Aandal (Thirupaavai)
Translation: You lifted the mountain as an umbrella, (we) praise Your character (forever present for helping Your devotees)
On that one finger so little:
All our worries You stifled,
And with my emotions You fiddled!
O Dearest Lover! O Supreme Protector!
Like moths to fire,
Travellers to an oasis,
Birds to grain:
Here, this heart rushes to You!
Here, caught in life's fleet,
But oh! hear this plea!
All my love does Your grace seek,
For Your one glance, i beseech!
Like the wrongdoers, i am surrendered,
Like Your devotees, i am bewildered:
Once, by lifting the hill, you killed our worries:
Now, acknowlege our longing, and kill our doubts eerie.
P.S: "Kundru kudaiyaay eduthaay, gunam potri!
-Aandal (Thirupaavai)
Translation: You lifted the mountain as an umbrella, (we) praise Your character (forever present for helping Your devotees)
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Dearest Krishna!
Dearest Krishna,
My mind wanders,
In its path, its stutters,
O dearest Guide, Your beautiful face reveal,
And once again, this poor heart steal!
Blinded by the prevailing darkness,
i find myself in distress-
Dearest Lover- bequeath unto me Your kindness-
Save me by Your prowess!
Like the wrongdoers surrendered,
Like the devotees at Your service,
This girl awaits, her heart plundered,
Grant her Your glances of kindness!
My mind wanders,
In its path, its stutters,
O dearest Guide, Your beautiful face reveal,
And once again, this poor heart steal!
Blinded by the prevailing darkness,
i find myself in distress-
Dearest Lover- bequeath unto me Your kindness-
Save me by Your prowess!
Like the wrongdoers surrendered,
Like the devotees at Your service,
This girl awaits, her heart plundered,
Grant her Your glances of kindness!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Gopi: Staring at the Rain- The Aftermath
Dear Lord,
When the lashing rain stopped, there rained water from my eyes!
How do i appreciate Your greatness, that made You stop the rain?
O Dearest Lover, though i couldn't see You that day, You were kind and wonderful, so much so, to take me to Your place, against all odds, the next morning!
That day, as i stood in front of You, bewildered, and totally swept away, even my poetic rhyme deserted me!
i bestowed this insignificant life of mine at the hands of the Controller of the Universe, and Oh! how well You have taken care!
O dearest Lord, how kind You are that You gave such high value to my mere words??
How will i ever repay You?
How wonderful You are!
And in this very manner, by thus making me speechless in gratitude, You make this seperation even more painful.
You are the Monarch of my Mind!
Surrendered that i am unto You, this heart beats only for You!
Accept my humble offering unto You, and bestow upon me Your kind grace!!
Let me forever be lost in Your love, and forever at Your service.
Yours forever,
i love You!!!
P.S: i searched 4 words for so many days, but finding none suitable to describe the wonder that You just made happen so easily, (perhaps by smiling Your beautiful smile), i chose to fill in this mediocre post. It's not the usual rhyme, but, please, do hear my plea!
When the lashing rain stopped, there rained water from my eyes!
How do i appreciate Your greatness, that made You stop the rain?
O Dearest Lover, though i couldn't see You that day, You were kind and wonderful, so much so, to take me to Your place, against all odds, the next morning!
That day, as i stood in front of You, bewildered, and totally swept away, even my poetic rhyme deserted me!
i bestowed this insignificant life of mine at the hands of the Controller of the Universe, and Oh! how well You have taken care!
O dearest Lord, how kind You are that You gave such high value to my mere words??
How will i ever repay You?
How wonderful You are!
And in this very manner, by thus making me speechless in gratitude, You make this seperation even more painful.
You are the Monarch of my Mind!
Surrendered that i am unto You, this heart beats only for You!
Accept my humble offering unto You, and bestow upon me Your kind grace!!
Let me forever be lost in Your love, and forever at Your service.
Yours forever,
i love You!!!
P.S: i searched 4 words for so many days, but finding none suitable to describe the wonder that You just made happen so easily, (perhaps by smiling Your beautiful smile), i chose to fill in this mediocre post. It's not the usual rhyme, but, please, do hear my plea!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
The Gopi: Staring at the Rain
Dearest Krishna,
Oh! The thunderbolt i hear-
It fills me with fear!
But oh! not the sound of it,
But the seperation it brings with it!
The clouds are dark,
Their resemblance to You quite stark:
But oh! They send down torrents of rain:
That bring with them seperation's pain!
The raindrops kiss the grass,
For a scenery, they make a beautiful pass:
But oh! i end up kissing the door,
For i can walk out no more!
Your house is yonder,
To there, the mind does wander;
But oh! the pained heart fearfully wonders:
Are my chances of seeing You gone asunder??
The rain comes, to satisfy the earth's thirst,
But oh! what of the thirst i nurse!!!
The mind derides its selfishness-
But oh! To see Your form so blemishless!
In this little heart, there is clamour:
O Monarch of my Mind! all my hopes stammer:
Surrendered unto You, forever:
Do hear my prayer!
Your beautiful smile always gladdening-
Now, thinking of it, is maddening!
Your sea-like eyes of endless depth!
Thinking of them, now i fret!!
The raindrops came splashing
Perhaps even they were for You searching!
Please consider: i am, for one glance, yearning!
Kindly grant me that, all hurdles notwithstanding.
Let the rains die down,
Let there be no other hurdles now!
O dearest lover! Let me run to You:
And the lessons of love, learn anew!!
Oh! The thunderbolt i hear-
It fills me with fear!
But oh! not the sound of it,
But the seperation it brings with it!
The clouds are dark,
Their resemblance to You quite stark:
But oh! They send down torrents of rain:
That bring with them seperation's pain!
The raindrops kiss the grass,
For a scenery, they make a beautiful pass:
But oh! i end up kissing the door,
For i can walk out no more!
Your house is yonder,
To there, the mind does wander;
But oh! the pained heart fearfully wonders:
Are my chances of seeing You gone asunder??
The rain comes, to satisfy the earth's thirst,
But oh! what of the thirst i nurse!!!
The mind derides its selfishness-
But oh! To see Your form so blemishless!
In this little heart, there is clamour:
O Monarch of my Mind! all my hopes stammer:
Surrendered unto You, forever:
Do hear my prayer!
Your beautiful smile always gladdening-
Now, thinking of it, is maddening!
Your sea-like eyes of endless depth!
Thinking of them, now i fret!!
The raindrops came splashing
Perhaps even they were for You searching!
Please consider: i am, for one glance, yearning!
Kindly grant me that, all hurdles notwithstanding.
Let the rains die down,
Let there be no other hurdles now!
O dearest lover! Let me run to You:
And the lessons of love, learn anew!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The Gopi: Musings
Dearest Krishna,
You skip on the grasses green,
Your flute conjures tunes serene,
With one glance, everything You steal:
Why then, amidst the trees Yourself conceal?
i could have been that feather:
Adorning the hair of the world's master!
i could have have been that flower so simplistic-
Dangling in a garland on Your shoulders majestic!
i could have been that block of gold
That was into thy ornament mould!
i could have been that flute so dear-
That seperation from Your lips doesn't bear!
i could have been Your humble sandals-
Forever cocooned in Your service mantle!
But oh! am but a poor girl,
Who has many a time erred-
But oh Lover! Unto You surrendered-
In these woods searching for You, bewildered!
You skip on the grasses green,
Your flute conjures tunes serene,
With one glance, everything You steal:
Why then, amidst the trees Yourself conceal?
i could have been that feather:
Adorning the hair of the world's master!
i could have have been that flower so simplistic-
Dangling in a garland on Your shoulders majestic!
i could have been that block of gold
That was into thy ornament mould!
i could have been that flute so dear-
That seperation from Your lips doesn't bear!
i could have been Your humble sandals-
Forever cocooned in Your service mantle!
But oh! am but a poor girl,
Who has many a time erred-
But oh Lover! Unto You surrendered-
In these woods searching for You, bewildered!
Monday, June 21, 2010
Vishnu Sahasranamam- My New Blog
By God's grace, i have just started a new blog: http://www.vishnu-sahasranamam.blogspot.com
It is my effort /initiative to translate the Sanskrit - Vishnu Sahasranamam, and provide English meanings!
It is not entirely my personal work, but based on a lot of reading. It also includes snippets of what i think!
Do check it out, if you have the time!
In Love With Krishna
By God's grace, i have just started a new blog: http://www.vishnu-sahasranamam.blogspot.com
It is my effort /initiative to translate the Sanskrit - Vishnu Sahasranamam, and provide English meanings!
It is not entirely my personal work, but based on a lot of reading. It also includes snippets of what i think!
Do check it out, if you have the time!
In Love With Krishna
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Gopi- In Conversation

O dear know-it-all! What do i say?
To You-my beloved Lord-show me the way.
You are the Goal, and You are the Guide-
O Dear Lord! Monarch of this mind!
O Lord who makes this poor heart chime-
What am i capable of but ordinary rhyme?
But my dear all-powerful Lord! O Controller of Time!
Let me forever in Your service joy find!
My Love! i fling myself at Your feet!
And Your kind grace beseech:
In my mind, adorn Your royal seat-
For the dust of Your feet it seeks!
Forgive me if this be rash
Even as my feelings are herein stashed.
O Sweet Lord! O beloved Krishna!
Be kind unto me as You always have!
From the Heart, Strangled in Doubt...
Dearest Krishna,
In this journey called life,
In this battlefield, to work and strive,
You are the only Support, forever beside-
In this quagmire-the best guide!
You steal the heart with Your charming glances,
For You alone, in joy, it dances,
Sometimes, lost in love, i fail to see
That You are the Lord of the worlds three!
When in suffering, on the heart's shoulder,
A hand that prompts me to cross every boulder:
But oh! the heart is Yours, dear Master!
Unto You am surrendered!
You are the oasis of the desert,
Forever present, You never desert,
O Lord of Everything!
Without You, how is there anything?
In this journey called life,
In this battlefield, to work and strive,
You are the only Support, forever beside-
In this quagmire-the best guide!
You steal the heart with Your charming glances,
For You alone, in joy, it dances,
Sometimes, lost in love, i fail to see
That You are the Lord of the worlds three!
When in suffering, on the heart's shoulder,
A hand that prompts me to cross every boulder:
But oh! the heart is Yours, dear Master!
Unto You am surrendered!
You are the oasis of the desert,
Forever present, You never desert,
O Lord of Everything!
Without You, how is there anything?
Friday, June 11, 2010
Hi Everyone!
This is a break from my usual post format, but i felt i had to share this with the people who happen to read my blog.
This is a playlist of Thirupaavai by Shri Aandal with English meanings included.
If you can't click the link, pls copy-paste it:
It is indeed a treat for anyone devoted to the Lord.
For the unacquainted, these 30 songs were sung by Aandal, when she kept the fast that the Gopis did to attain Krishna. In the end, she did too, as the Lord married her in her dreams, and the great periyazhwar, her father, dressed her up in bridal finery and took her to Shri Ranganathar, where she finally united with her Lord.
The songs embody true love and devotion, and it is even more a treat if you understand Tamil, because the pun and word-play in each of the songs is exotically wonderful!
'Kothai' was called Aandal, or the 'One Who Ruled Over the Lord Himself'.
She is the incarnation of Shri Bhumadevi. In the process of calling to Krishna for herself, she also engaged her friends, and actually, the whole world, and urged them to surrender unto His beautiful feet.
Aandal Thiruvadigale Sharanam!!
This is a break from my usual post format, but i felt i had to share this with the people who happen to read my blog.
This is a playlist of Thirupaavai by Shri Aandal with English meanings included.
If you can't click the link, pls copy-paste it:
It is indeed a treat for anyone devoted to the Lord.
For the unacquainted, these 30 songs were sung by Aandal, when she kept the fast that the Gopis did to attain Krishna. In the end, she did too, as the Lord married her in her dreams, and the great periyazhwar, her father, dressed her up in bridal finery and took her to Shri Ranganathar, where she finally united with her Lord.
The songs embody true love and devotion, and it is even more a treat if you understand Tamil, because the pun and word-play in each of the songs is exotically wonderful!
'Kothai' was called Aandal, or the 'One Who Ruled Over the Lord Himself'.
She is the incarnation of Shri Bhumadevi. In the process of calling to Krishna for herself, she also engaged her friends, and actually, the whole world, and urged them to surrender unto His beautiful feet.
Aandal Thiruvadigale Sharanam!!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Gopi Appeases Krishna's Anger...

Dearest Krishna:
The demon lies dead,
All evil has now fled;
Your might struck him down-
Oh! Please do not save that frown!
All the light of the world in Your eyes-
Why do You crown it with a sigh?
All the worlds began from Your smile-
Why then with Your anger, our minds derail?
You rescued us when it (really) mattered,
But now, the mind, by despair, is scattered-
Then, in trouble, i called for Your intervention,
Now, am pained by Your expression!
You always protected Your devotees:
Today's demon, (for You) was but a breeze!
Come now, let bygones be-
The silver lining reaching Your eyes-kindly let us see!
These are the feet that tread on the dust-
Let me wash them first!
These legs that kicked that monster-
Unto them, my humble service i render!
One glance of Yours does everything bestow-
But oh! You have forced Your eyes close!
Accept this request, from a slave of Yours-
Grant me one glance, and my life restore!
O Sweetheart! There comes Your mother,
Her mind worried, the locks asunder!
O Dear Lord! Your father comes yonder,
The people running, with all the speed they can muster!
By Your grace, we are safe-
Now do grant our minds solace!
Lord! Surrendered unto Your lotus feet-
For Your one caress, this heart beats!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The Words of a Gopi...
Dearest Krishna,
You go off into the wild,
(To You it's just a while):
But oh! Measure not in seconds or miles,
There are hearts that for You pine!
The thorns in the forest may prick Your feet,
The wild shrubs may Your skin feel;
The tireless sun scorches ruthlessly:
Why, then, for that, You abandon me sweetly?
Truth be told, Your absence is wilderness-
It inspires only madness!
Dear Lord! Save the mind from its abyss-
Let it find You in its midst!
Come here, to this dwelling, for its master adorned,
Crush them under Your feet, if any mistakes You fathom;
Come now, for the flowers (adorned) may lose their water-
Come quick- don't let my rash hopes stutter!
Unto You are my humble requests,
My patience, and also my impatience;
Unto You, i address my thoughts,
Unto You am surrendered!
O Sweet Krishna!
This garden is beautiful-
But only because it holds Your memories;
Come, sow the seeds and enrich its blossoms new-
They eagerly await Your lessons anew!
You go off into the wild,
(To You it's just a while):
But oh! Measure not in seconds or miles,
There are hearts that for You pine!
The thorns in the forest may prick Your feet,
The wild shrubs may Your skin feel;
The tireless sun scorches ruthlessly:
Why, then, for that, You abandon me sweetly?
Truth be told, Your absence is wilderness-
It inspires only madness!
Dear Lord! Save the mind from its abyss-
Let it find You in its midst!
Come here, to this dwelling, for its master adorned,
Crush them under Your feet, if any mistakes You fathom;
Come now, for the flowers (adorned) may lose their water-
Come quick- don't let my rash hopes stutter!
Unto You are my humble requests,
My patience, and also my impatience;
Unto You, i address my thoughts,
Unto You am surrendered!
O Sweet Krishna!
This garden is beautiful-
But only because it holds Your memories;
Come, sow the seeds and enrich its blossoms new-
They eagerly await Your lessons anew!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Dear Lord,
You are the Origin, You are Everything!
You are the Creator, and You maintain Everything!
In all Your ruling over all these infinite years, how many letters of this kind have You seen, My Lord?
And what do i say that You have not heard, or that has not been said?
And yet, the mind tags along to You.
You are the Refuge, and my only one.
So here goes: i love You.
i am totally surrendered unto You, dearest Krishna.
You enchant with your sweet smile, like the silver lining in the midst of the clouds.
You mesmerize with those beautiful eyes, the abode of all the light and darkness in the world.
Your serenity invites, then Your greatness inspires, then Your demeanour takes one away.
Dear Lord, heed the request of one surrendered unto You.
O Krishna, the one who pleased the Gopis! You rule this whole world, and this small world of mine, too.
You are the Monarch enthroned within the Mind!
Come , O Krishna, and do so quickly!!
Keep me forever in the blissful shadow of Your feet!
My sweet Lord! i am totally in love with You!
O Monarch of my Mind! You sweep this poor girl away into the land of dreams-and oh! What wouldn't i do to let me be caught there!
With loads of love,
You are the Creator, and You maintain Everything!
In all Your ruling over all these infinite years, how many letters of this kind have You seen, My Lord?
And what do i say that You have not heard, or that has not been said?
And yet, the mind tags along to You.
You are the Refuge, and my only one.
So here goes: i love You.
i am totally surrendered unto You, dearest Krishna.
You enchant with your sweet smile, like the silver lining in the midst of the clouds.
You mesmerize with those beautiful eyes, the abode of all the light and darkness in the world.
Your serenity invites, then Your greatness inspires, then Your demeanour takes one away.
Dear Lord, heed the request of one surrendered unto You.
O Krishna, the one who pleased the Gopis! You rule this whole world, and this small world of mine, too.
You are the Monarch enthroned within the Mind!
Come , O Krishna, and do so quickly!!
Keep me forever in the blissful shadow of Your feet!
My sweet Lord! i am totally in love with You!
O Monarch of my Mind! You sweep this poor girl away into the land of dreams-and oh! What wouldn't i do to let me be caught there!
With loads of love,
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Dear All
This is my first blog post.
I am new to the whole idea, but I have decided to dedicate this blog to the One I love.
As such, there is not much distance between my heart and Him, and yet there is.
He is there for me when I need Him the most, but oh! sometimes seperation kills me!!
From my next post, I intend to write letters to Him, in the ardent hope that he'll read them, and understand what i try so desperately to get across.
In Love With Krishna
This is my first blog post.
I am new to the whole idea, but I have decided to dedicate this blog to the One I love.
As such, there is not much distance between my heart and Him, and yet there is.
He is there for me when I need Him the most, but oh! sometimes seperation kills me!!
From my next post, I intend to write letters to Him, in the ardent hope that he'll read them, and understand what i try so desperately to get across.
In Love With Krishna
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